Press Releases
1.29.25 – Children’s Cove Hires Community Programs Coordinator
Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, announced today the hiring of Heidi Friedel as its new Community Programs Coordinator to expand programming at the organization.
12.2.24 – Children’s Cove Onboards New PediSANE
Children’s Cove, The Cape & Island’s Child Advocacy Center, announce the assignment of a Vicki Bice, a new Pediatric Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (PediSANE) to support the coordinated medical response and care of children supported in abuse investigations.
1.29.24 – Children’s Cove Hires Mental Health Clinician to Meet Need
Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, announced today the hiring of Deena Anderson as its new Mental Health Clinician to meet the increasing need of specialized clinical services in the area. This position represents an additional expansion of services provided by the Barnstable County Government organization to meet increasing need from growing referrals.
10.12.23 – Children’s Cove Expands Community Engagement Staff to Meet Increasing Demand
Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, announced today the hiring of Anna Colby as its new Community Engagement Specialist, reflecting the need for expanded programming at the organization.
6.7.2023 – Children’s Cove and Martha’s Vineyard Community Services Announce Partnership
On June 7th, 2023 the Barnstable County Commissioners executed an Interagency Agreement between Children’s Cove: The Cape and Islands Child Advocacy Center, and Martha’s Vineyard Community Services CONNECT to End Violence Program (CONNECT), to help child victims of crime on Martha’s Vineyard.
12.21.22 Barnstable County Releases the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022
On December 21st, 2022 the Barnstable County Commissioners County published and released its FY2022 Annual Report to the community. The annual report is intended to provide the public with an opportunity to learn about the County’s work and revisit some important activities and statistics from the past fiscal year.
9.29.22 State Secures Stable Funding for Children’s Cove
Barnstable County Commissioners recently authorized the execution of two grant agreements for Children’s Cove totaling $200,000 from the Massachusetts Children’s Alliance (MACA) in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH). Traditionally, grant funding for many Massachusetts Child Advocacy Centers (CAC), including Children’s Cove, relied on designated state revenue that was unevenly distributed. However, recent state budget language was passed that permanently creates a stable funding formula that will be equitably distributed to all CACs throughout Massachusetts.
9.15.21 Children’s Cove Hires New Staff
Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, announced today the hiring of two new team members. Children’s Cove welcomes Alexandra Foley as the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Case Manager / Forensic Interviewer and Kathy Fayerberg, Family Services Coordinator.
10.27.20 Local Surge in Online Exploitation
Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, is calling on parents and caregivers to be extra diligent in the prevention of online exploitation of children as they attend school remotely and spend more time online.
4.24.20. Pandemic Trapping Some Kids with Abusers
Those of us on the front lines helping survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and crimes against children are concerned about victims of abuse being confined inside abusive households and by a severely curtailed ability to access help.
3.19.20 Children’s Cove COVID-19 Service Response
Our update in regards to services provided during the COVID-19 Pandemic Response.
1.27.20 Children’s Cove Expands Teen TASK Force
Children’s Cove is now collaborating with Monomoy Regional High School, the Mashpee Middle-High School, and Nauset Regional High School to engage students about child sexual abuse issues, educate them about the services Children’s Cove provides, and create greater community awareness.
12.12.19 Children’s Cove Reaccredited
Children’s Cove met or exceeded national standards set by the National Children’s Alliance for it’s third consecutive accreditation evaluation.
4.4.19 From #MeToo to #HaveTheConversation
This is our view as we move into Child Abuse Prevention Month
11.08.18 8th Annual Hot Wing Relay
Dennis Police Department comes back for vengeance and claims the top prize! A fantastic event to celebrate our partners in Law Enforcement.
10.1.18 Teen TASK Force comes to Mashpee
Teen TASK Force comes to Mashpee High School to continue third year of program.
5.30.18 Teen TASK Force Celebration
Children’s Cove celebrates the final session of the 2017-2018 Teen TASK Force, a collaborative program between Children’s cove and Monomoy Regional High School working with volunteer Sophomore students.
1.11.18 Community Donates to Children’s Cove Families in Need
Throughout the late fall and early winter Children’s Cove worked with agencies and members of the community to provide much-needed items to dozens of families and hundreds of children.. This included back-to-school supplies, winter coats, Thanksgiving meals and holiday presents.
10.16.2017 Children’s Cove Marks 20 Years Providing Hope and Healing
Barnstable, MA – This year, Children’s Cove, a department of Barnstable County, is marking 20 years of providing coordinated and comprehensive multidisciplinary services to child victims of sexual and physical abuse, child witnesses to domestic violence, and child victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking.
10.13.17 Children’s Cove Expands Trauma Informed Provider Network
Yarmouth, MA – In October, Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, partnered with the Justice Resource Institute (JRI) to provide a two-day training to nearly 30 Cape & Islands clinicians and mental health providers to expand available trauma informed providers.
10.13.17 Children’s Cove to Hold 7th Annual Hot Wing Relay
Yarmouth, MA – Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, is holding their 7th Annual Hot Wing Relay in October for local police departments across the Cape & Islands.
09.30.17 Children’s Cove Partners with Monomoy Regional High School for Teen TASK Force
Harwich, MA – Children’s Cove, The Cape & Islands Child Advocacy Center, has partnered with Monomoy Regional High School to recruit sophomore students to be a part of the second Children’s Cove Teen TASK (Taking a Stand for Kids) Force.
05.22.17 Children’s Cove Celebrates D-Y Teen TASK Force Success
Hyannis, MA – Children’s Cove: The Child Advocacy Center for the Cape and Islands, held its sixth and final session with the Dennis-Yarmouth High School Teen TASK (Taking a Stand for Kids) Force.The group of 14 volunteers, sophomores at D-Y, worked together to learn about and raise awareness of child sexual abuse issues on Cape Cod as well as the programs and services Children’s Cove provides to victims.
12.19.16 Children’s Cove Partners with Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School to create Teen TASK Force
Hyannis, MA – Children’s Cove: The Child Advocacy Center for the Cape and Islands, has partnered with Dennis-Yarmouth High School in recruiting 15 volunteers to create the Teen TASK (Taking a Stand for Kids) Force. The Teen TASK force is a group of students working together to raise awareness for the programs and services of the agency and to educate & advocate for child abuse issues.