Cape Cod Family Resource Center is a Dedicated Partner in Serving Our Community
December 23.2023
After a child and their non-offending family comes to Children’s Cove, the first big question is “what’s next?” As each case goes through the investigation, prosecution and healing process, our team is there to help the family understand the process, learn about their rights, and access resources that will help their family. However, because needs for each family can vary, require different languages of access, or become complex, we often depend on dedicated community partnerships to steer families in the right direction for their needs, resources or assistance. One of those strong partnerships is with the Cape Cod Family Resource Center.
First, a little background. In 2012 there was a change in legislation in Massachusetts that changed the ways families with challenges or children with behavioral or education issues were supported. Rather than continuing with a system which could be punitive through the filing of court petitions, a new system to directly support Families and Children Engage(d) in Services (FACES) was passed in the Massachusetts Legislature. Under this law, Family Resource Centers began to develop across the Commonwealth to provide services and service coordination directly to families in the community they serve.
Family Resource Centers are there to support individuals and families of all ages, incomes, and languages, and to develop meaningful community connections. Family Resource Centers provide support to parents, children, and families with practical solutions and resources for the challenges in their lives, whether for medical, educational, employment, behavioral health, or anything else. This is why we work so closely with the Cape Cod Family Resource Center (FRC).
Led by Molly Titus, Program Director, the Cape Cod FRC is comprised of a team including a School Liaison, two Family Support workers, a Family Partner and an attorney who works in collaboration with the FRC from the Mental Health Advocacy Program for Kids. Over the last year the FRC has made an incredible impact in our community. Since January 1st the Cape Cod FRC has directly supported 939 families with a combined 5,329 rendered services.
Some of these services include:
- Direct tangible resources or referrals to community
- School support – IEP/504 assistance, CRA/Pre-CRA support
- Legal representation for health-related matters
- Basic needs support – food pantry, personal hygiene products, diapers, clothing
- Parenting Education, including the Nurturing Fathers series, Active Parenting series, and Parenting Journey series
- Support Groups – Moms, Dads, and Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- Teen programs
- Family Activities – events, craft hours, DIY Kits throughout the year
- Assistance with holidays – Thanksgiving Baskets, Christmas gifts
- Life Skills workshops
- Child Safety presentations
The Cape Cod FRC has been a go-to resource for the children and families we have served for many years, and we continue to expand our partnership. This past fall our Child Exploitation Program Coordinator, Alex Foley, worked with the Cape Cod FRC, as well as numerous community partners, to run a 7-week course titled “Now, That’s What I Call Adulting!” Each participant learned about community resources, financial literacy, resume building, interview preparation, work skills development and more. Due to generous funding from our friends at WE CAN, each participant received a $100 gift card to help purchase new interview outfits for future job interviews!
We will continue to work closely with the Cape Cod FRC for many years to come, and we are looking forward to expanding our trainings, presentations, and groups with them, some coming as early as this spring!
Thank you to the entire team, it’s a pleasure to work with each of you!