Missions can be dark, but visions are filled with light.
November 17, 2020
There is so much happening in the world right now, and many are left feeling overwhelmed. Consequently, we have retreated inwards and become smaller, but our exposures to world content have magnified. “Doomscrolling” describes the invasion of negativity in our lives from social media flooded with the interminable loop of pessimism.
So why are we talking about it? Well, because the important messages of our work at Children’s Cove are being lost.
Speaking about crimes against children is not glamorous, and our mission is far from the inspirational messaging we need and crave now. However, it’s a part of what defines us, our passion, and our dedication to our community and children, even during turbulent times. Children’s Cove provides compassionate, comprehensive, and collaborative response services, at no cost to survivors of child abuse, through evidence-based programs, a network of community partnerships, educational outreach, and awareness efforts. Our multidisciplinary team collaborates to empower survivors, promote healthy outcomes, and to help mitigate the stigma of child abuse. Through that process and gritty work, we provide hope and healing for child survivors of trauma and abuse.
Our work can be overwhelming, and the issues are daunting. But, in all this darkness, there is light: we are providing hope and healing for children. As the word “pandemic” has been ubiquitous this year, we might consider that child sexual abuse has been a pandemic we have faced for generations. One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused in some way before his or her 18th birthday. The youngest children in our nation are at the most risk for abuse, neglect and trauma. In 2018, nearly 700,000 children were victims of abuse or neglect. Unlike other illnesses, childhood trauma impacts individuals across a lifetime.
…most people largely don’t talk about it, even when nearly 60 percent of Americans have lived it.”
But there is hope. We all can make a significant impact on stopping abuse in our lifetimes! The perceived shame and taboo, alongside the lack of attention to these important issues contributes to the fact that only 10 percent of victims disclose their abuse. If we change the narrative of talking about childhood abuse and trauma to a conversation of safety and resiliency, we can make a difference. If we create national public safety and awareness messages about sexual abuse and trauma being unacceptable behavior, we can make a difference. If we urge public drive and engagement on the level of other issues in our nation, we can create significant changes today.
Don’t Doomscroll past our mission; share our vision. You, too, can help us create a community where children are free of abuse, have a voice that is heard, and where they enjoy healthy, safe, and empowered lives. We thank you.